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Reports of School District #6
Meetings, 6 November, 1813, to 1848


Record of the First Meeting of School District No. 6, 1813

In an old notebook carefully sewed together by brown linen thread appears the minutes of the first meeting of District No. 6, held May 22, 1813.

"Proceeded to choose a moderator, also chose 3 trustees, viz: Casper Martin, William Choat, Jr., Ariel Wellman; also 1 collector, William Choat, Jr.

Whereas, there was a good school house in said district, the meeting had no other business before them, therefore adjourned to the same place, viz: the school house."
Ariel Wellman, District Clerk

Note: From 1813 until 1839, the last minutes in the Lawrence collection, the order of business was the same.

Allen Carrington was commissioner of schools in 1828. He lived in Jefferson. Nathan B. Tyler, later commissioner, lived in Blenheim.

The original schoolhouse was on the present Luman Lawrence farm.

School Meetings of District No. 6, Towns of Blenheimand Jefferson, now Gilboa

1814, 26 July; a moderator was chosen to conduct the meeting, Horace Lawrence, Harmon Rulifson and Ariel Wellman, were chosen Trustees, Ariel Wellman, Clerk. Adjourned to May 1, 1815, at 2 o'clock.

1815 Horace Lawrence, Harmon Rulifson, Casper Martin, trustees; Ariel Wellman, moderator and clerk, William Choate, Jr., collector.

Actions by the Board in these years were as follows:

November 1, 1816, Special meeting. Resolved, that a wood-bee should be held to get firewood for the school; any person sending children to school who did not attend shall pay their share in cash to the Trustees.
      Resolved to purchase andirons, shovel and tongs for use of the school, money to be raised by subscription, and failing that, by tax.

April 4, 1919, Collector shall collect teacher's wages.
      Each parent shall supply 1/2 cord of wood or pay $1, for each "schollar," money to be added to regular tax and collected by the collector if not paid.

November 8, 1819, Resolved to remove the schoolhouse chimney and the end of the house where it stood shall be finished with seats and windows convenient for school, & a suitable and convenient stove set in the schoolhouse in lieu of the chimney, this alteration to be made at any time the Trustees shall think proper, so as to have the work completed in season for a winter school in the year 1820.
      (Conditional on the Town of Jefferson paying its share) of expenses if done to be raised by tax.

Oct. 4, 1820, Resolve to alter schoolhouse and buy stove declared void as Jefferson refused to pay its share.

8 Nov. 1822, Jefferson district was annexed to No. 6; $50 voted to be raised by tax to repair schoolhouse and buy stove.
      There were 73 pupils. From Jefferson 24, Gilboa 32 (Blenheim) 1828.

Oct. 16, 1824, 17 lbs. of iron were taken from the chimney when the schoolhouse was repaired, also 1 pair andirons; these were sold for $1.25 and the money was applied to the teachers' salary.

Oct. 6, 1832, $2 was raised by tax to repair the schoolhouse. $8.70 was voted to build a "necessary house" or "Jakes." Resolved that Peter Hillikers' School tax, if it can't be collected, be added to next winter's tax.
     Receipts signed by teachers for salary received include the following: James White, Jr., June 3, 1818, $16.66, received of Silas Bradford, Trustee. Lewis J. P. Thorp, March 13, 1821, $15.50 for teaching winter school. C. W. Havens, 1822, $16.82; Trustee R. W. Rulifson. He also paid his own bill to teaching, $3.50.

Public money, 1822, $13.18

School costs, 1823, $14.20 Public money

Durinda Choate, 1838, $5.00 On account

Roseann Canfield, 1835, $18.30 in full

Roseann Canfield, 1836, $7.70 on account

John T. Felter, 1837, $36.00 and 10’ for buying a broom.

Durinda Choate, 1837, $5.00 on account.

David W. Parsons, 1840, $27.50

E. Newell, 1848, $7.27

(Public money, 1838, $22.94; collections $31.06)

Paid C. W. Havens $49.00

Durinda Choate $5.00

October 11, $7.10 Collected taxes.

James White refers to himself as an "instructor," all the others spoke of their work as "teaching."

1848, Average teachers wages, $12.00 per month. Winter term, 3 months. The whole amount paid that year for wages was $67.00. For library books $7.27.

Feb. 5, 1848, Voted to build a new schoolhouse on the old site, cost to be $260. Later, to re-roof the old school with a double roof of hemlock boards. Note: No action was taken because the school would become part of Gilboa if the merger of Blenheim and Broome took place.

Below is a list of books bought for District 6: C

Library Books District 6:

"Way to do Good", Abbot
"Life of Franklin"
"Judson's Offering"
"Guide for Young Disciples"
"Little Henry"
"Charles Lynn"
"Judah's Lion"
"Anecdotes for the Family"
"Visit to Nahant"
(This place was a famous summer resort in the 60's)
"Dairyman's Daughter"
"Caroline Hyde"
"Story of Joseph"
"Life of Newton"
"Village in the Mountain"
"Normand Smith"

Total cost of books





Bee Mattice passed us a folder relating to the Newsletter's one-room schoolhouse theme. This page refers to South Gilboa School District 6 (Kemper Mountain Road) from 1813 through 1842. Click below for the other reports.

District 6, Number of Children, 21st Feb. 1826, by Horace Lawrence, Clerk
District 7, History of School District No. 7

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